Walk-in showers are easier to convert than smaller ones. Standard bathtubs usually measure 60 x 30 x 14 inches, so measuring the shower area is the first step. It may be possible to change the shower into a tub-and-shower combination if desired. There are anumber of waysto add a tub...
, go ahead and use one in the shower too. the rules of safe sex don’t magically change the moment you’re covered in water, so take the same steps to protect yourself inside the shower that you would outside it. also, on another rules-of-safe-sex note, being in the shower doesn...
In real life, though, it's more complicated than you might think — meaning, no showing off your yoga moves to your partner in the shower because we don't want you to end up in the ER. When it comes to sex acts and positions, shower sex proves that there's more to sex than just...
Caulking seems like a relatively easy home project until you make an enormous mess of your bathroom doing it. Here's how to caulk a bathtub, shower or sink properly.
This seated rear-entry position is the perfect shower choice if you like to be on top. How to do it: Have your partner sit on the bench with feet on the floor. Facing away from them, sit on their lap, straddling them (you choose how wide to spread your legs based on your ...
Shower sex can be dangerous (and not all that great). These 13 positions—and 13 tips—from sex therapists will guarantee safe, hot shower sex with your partner.
Finally, look to see if your bathtub faucet has a diverter. This is usually a small plunger on the faucet itself that directs the water up to your showerhead. If your old faucet has a diverter, buy a new faucet that has one as well. If you have a separate diverter installed on the...
Bathing seats for full-sized tubs allow room for your baby to move and splash while sitting up. Inflatable safety tubs, which mimic bathtubs, are also available. As your child grows, the type of bathing seat appropriate for them will change. Make sure to read all of the information provide...
Small changes can help your bathroom become your personal spa! CCL Wetrooms are here to give you some tips for the ultimate relaxation experience.
Bathtub spouts may need to be replaced for a few common reasons: the diverter can get worn out so that it no longer blocks the water flow to divert the water to the showerhead the threads that connect the spout to the pipe can corrode or crack allowing water to trickle along the pipe...