GSTIN, short for Goods & Services Tax Identification Number is a 15-digit, unique identification number allotted to each taxpayer (GST registered business, firm, dealer, supplier, business entity) once they have registered under the GST regime in India. Every business operating in a state or Un...
One local or resident director:As long as a Singapore firm has at least one Singapore-resident director, Singapore residents and foreign residents are eligible to serve as directors. Corporate directors are not allowed; in other words, a director must be a person, not a corporation. You can f...
Step by step procedure to login with GST common portal in India Guidelines for existing GST tax payers in India for enrolment Guidelines for GST online registration enrolment for existing tax payers How to retrieve user name under GST registration online in India How to change password under Online...
Starting an import and export business expands your market and revenue, but it's crucial to have a well-thought-out business plan and identify the right products or services. Depending on the type and scale of the business, launching a small firm in the import and export business in India ...
Here we will learn how to change the mobile number in the GST certificate. #1. Login to GST portal Firstly you need to login to the GST portal and click the Registration Tab, and then select Amendment of Registration Non-Core Fields. #2. Add New authorized signatory Now you have to se...
regulations of TRACES and CPC, India. It provides an easy-to-use interface with a simple and intuitive interface. Our software is an innovative tool that allows users to predetermine the TDS amount, prepare the TDS returns, and calculate interest, penalty, and late filing fees all in one ...
Another benefit of a full explanation is that it helps in planning. For example, let’s say that the customer has shown interest in learning how much the firm spent on a specific service a year from now. The customer has to make a note of the invoice number. Suppose the customer needs...
If you wish to change, update, and amend your application, there will be no application fee as a first step. But you will pay 100% of the payment amount of new type of schemes you decided to apply for this time. If you need to renew your Halal Certificate, as a first step you nee...
to sell to each other. The BIS paper takes a myopic view, focusing entirely on B2C platforms while ignoring the existence of C2C models. It also overlooks the fact that people offer services as side gigs on platforms like Upwork or Fiverr, where their income may not meet the GST threshold...
sustainability Article How to Maintain the Sustainable Development of a Business Platform: A Case Study of Pinduoduo Social Commerce Platform in China Wu Zhao 1 , AnQi Wang 1 and Yun Chen 2,* 1 School of Economics and Management, Xidian University, Xi'an 710126, China;