Refresh your “About” section to include a note about the name change. This helps new visitors understand the history and ensures consistency across your Page. Pin a Post Pin your announcement post to the top of your Page so it’s the first thing visitors see. This is especially useful if...
If you don’t want to change your primary name on Facebook, you can add a nickname or alternate name to your profile instead. Facebook also offersother helpful featuressuch as the ability to lock your profile, download videos, and hide comments and likes, which may be of interest to some...
No matter what sort of device you’re using, you can quickly change Your Facebook password for different devices. For this, just scroll down to and then select “Settings” and “Privacy”. Go to the “Settings” to find the Security section. Once you reach there, click on “Change pass...
the AC sends a Change State Event Response message to the AP. Upon receiving this message, the AP state changes from data check to Run, indicating that the CAPWAP link is established. In this phase, the AP and AC periodically send Keepalive and Echo messages to check the connectivity of ...
SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LogMessage( TEXT("Failed to Establish connection") ); } }returnhr; }HRESULTProcessConnectionManagerMessage(){ HRESULT hr = S_OK; DWORD status =0;// Connection Manager status changehr = ConnMgrConnectionStatus( g_ConnHandle, &status);if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) {switch(status...
add_action( 'wp_head', 'insert_fb_in_head', 5 ); Hosted with ️ byWPCode 1-click Use in WordPress Remember to add your site name on Line 17, where it says ‘Your Site Name Goes Here’. After that, you should change the default image URL on Line 19 with one of your own...
Now, the plugin will automatically add a Facebook Like button to your WordPress website and position it based on your settings. You can also use the[fb_button]shortcode to add the Facebook Like button anywhere on your site. That’s all! You can now visit your site and see the Like bu...
Approach to OKRs at GitLab Being a public company Cadence E-Group offsite E-Group Weekly Family and Friends Day GitLab All-Company Meetings GitLab Culture All Remote A complete guide to the benefits of an all-remote company Adopting a self-service and self-learning mentality ...
you do with the--debug-challengesargument. This is to allow you to set the DNSCNAMErecord(s)required by acme-dns-certbot, which is covered later in this step. Without the--debug-challengesargument, Certbot wouldn’t pause, so you wouldn’t have time to mak...
'Insert a chart and change the chart. oShape = oDoc.Bookmarks.Item("\endofdoc").Range.InlineShapes.AddOLEObject( _ ClassType:="MSGraph.Chart.8", FileName _ :="", LinkToFile:=False, DisplayAsIcon:=False) oChart = oShape.OLEFormat.Object ...