To make your profile private, go to your profile and selectEdit Details. Toggle off the info you want to keep private. This article explains how to change your Facebook privacy settings to make your posts, Friends list, profile information, and albums private. Instructions are specific to Face...
You can always leave the social network altogether bydeactivating your Facebook account. But a less drastic solution could just change your Facebook privacy settings. Here are a few ways to do just that. QUICK ANSWER To change your Facebook privacy settings, click on your profile picture, then...
Customizing who can see your Facebook posts is arguably one of the most important security measures to take. Though Facebook did change its default timeline post settings from “public” to “friends” in 2014, users still have the option to change their privacy settings for Facebook posts and...
While the Great Firewall is a bit of an inconvenience for those traveling or moving to China, it does not mean that you have to sacrifice your old browsing habits or using services like Facebook. You will, however, have to look for smarter alternatives to allow you to peruse the internet...
If you do not want to show this update publicly or you want to change Facebook profile picture without notifying friends, you need to make this update “Private”. For that, click theglobesign visible next to the date/time and selectOnly me. ...
How to Make Your Facebook Account Private You can pick betweenPublic,Friends,Specific Friends(selected users that you allow),Friends except…orOnly me. From here, you can manage which information others can see and which details they can’t. You can change it anytime you want to by visiting...
That being said, let’s see how you can automatically post to Facebook every time you publish a new WordPress post. We’ll share two different methods, you can use the quick links below to jump right to the method you prefer: Method 1: Automatically Post to Facebook From WordPress Using...
How to Change an Instagram Profile From Private to Public. Instagram profiles can be viewed on the Instagram app for mobile devices and on the Web, but what others see depends on the setting for your photos, not an overall profile setting. If your posts
Hiding Photos on Facebook Using this method you can make individual photos private so only you can view them. You are going to change the photo audience from the Public to Only me. There are a few other options on your set like All Friends, Friends except…, Specific Friends. So, let’...
Looking to boost your Facebook profile’s privacy settings? Here is the simplest way to make your Facebook profile private. It’s important to make sure that you are comfortable on social media, and sometimes that comfort can come from knowing that people you don’t know aren’t looking at...