Now You can transfer your EPF account online. You can check your EPF balance online. You can even change mobile and email address online. ButYou cannot edit your details i.e. father’s name, relationship, date of birth, date of joining, date of exit as available in the EPFO database o...
I working 8 years and 5 months in the company. And now I leave the job after 3 months I am mark exit in epfo. When I am applying for withdrawal my pf form 15g show for upload please suggest me it is required or not now in my case. If it is not required then other details the...
If your claim status is showing aspending at DAit meansit is stuck at the EPFO office. The approval process in EPFO goes through DA(Dealing Assitant), AO(Assessing Officer) and CO(Cash officer) as shown in the image below. In EPFO,Dealing Assistant(DA),is the first person who checks th...