3. Adhaar Card 4. PAN Card 5. Voter ID If you have anyone document and correct DOB you can apply online for issuing the new passport. To apply for the new passportthis articlewill really help you. Now come on the topic of change of DOB in the mark sheet. As you have already told...
All about Pan Card in India. Read ✓ How to Apply for PAN Card Online/Offline ✓Types of Form ✓Advantages of PAN ✓Check PAN Status/Enquiry ✓FAQs.
We are trying to change date format for custom attribute "DOB" as our SAML partner is looking for in (i.e. YYYY-MM-DD). We have to change the format and send it to SAML response using custom policy.
OCI (Overseas Citizenship of India)card is a multiple-entrylifetime visa for Indiawithout any limitations on the length of stay in India. It is a smart card with the idea to facilitate quicker immigration clearance and also, using consular services. OCI Registration Certificate, OCI Card, Overse...
Change Password Application View Edit Application Economically Weaker Section (EWS) Reservation Details Entry Status of Application View & Print Allotment Slip Online Fee payment How can I edit the submitted application? You can correct the errors in application details (You cannot edit scheme, register...
No passport photo change after camp registration Part-time graduates:register online to print Exclusion Letter on dashboard when Call-up Letters are available Recommended: NYSC Orientation Course How to Correct Names on NYSC Website How to Correct Date of Birth Issue with NYSC ...
An official admit card will be issued to the candidates who successfully complete their JEE Main registration process before the deadline. What's New in JEE Main Application Form Process? The NTA introduced new changes to the JEE Main Application Process in the last couple of years. These are...
So, before you repeat telling us how great this change is for us, let's play a little game of "You show me yours, and then I'll show you mine." Just post your name, DOB, SSN, and primary bank account routing number and account number, and emai...
cardwith your mobile number during Aadhaar enrolment. However, if you want to link/change/update your Aadhaar-registered mobile number, you will have to pay Rs. 50 (inclusive of GST). It should be noted that if multiple fields are updated in the same instance, no additional fee is ...
Overview of Steps to Change Mobile Number in UAN if forgotten Password This works only if the Name, Date of Birth, Gender and Aadhaar/PAN that you enter matches the details with your UAN. Else you will get an error message. In that case, contact your employer for the details of your UA...