2. Proof of original Birthdate ( birth certificate) 3. Adhaar card After verification, your documents the DEO will order the principal to change the DOB in the scholar register. After that, you can apply online of the education board for correction in the DOB. You have to pay some fees...
Names of relatives, type of relationship and gender. You can update this information on your voter ID card. Here are step-by-step instructions on how to change the Date of Birth (DOB) on your voter ID card. Update DOB in Voter ID Card Online: Documents Required A birth certificate pr...
OCI (Overseas Citizenship of India)card is a multiple-entrylifetime visa for Indiawithout any limitations on the length of stay in India. It is a smart card with the idea to facilitate quicker immigration clearance and also, using consular services. OCI Registration Certificate, OCI Card, Overse...
Check Aadhaar Update Status:In this article, we discuss How to Check Aadhaar Update Status Online in Tamilnadu. You can easily check the update status such as Name, Date of Birth, Address, Language, Photo, and Mobile Number, online. The Aadhaar Card web portal allows you to check your aad...
Change Password Application View Edit Application Economically Weaker Section (EWS) Reservation Details Entry Status of Application View & Print Allotment Slip Online Fee payment How can I edit the submitted application? You can correct the errors in application details (You cannot edit scheme, register...
Things You Can't Change in CUET Application Form 2025 During Correction Candidates are not permitted to make the following changes in the CUET application form 2025: Phone Number Email Address Permanent and Correspondence Address Note: Candidates who have chosen 10 subjects can replace or remove thei...
So Better to use a unique First and Last name every time. If your name is Manoj Williamson then your email will be manojwilliamson@student.hartnell.edu 4. Password 8-digit date of birth (ie, 01012020 if you were born on January 1st, 2020).It is STRONGLY recommended to change your passw...
Proving Residence in the State of Georgia To prove residence in Georgia, the DMV requires two documents that provide proof of your address, like an electric or water bill or a phone bill. Anyone who has legally changed their name might also need proof of the name change. This is usually ...
how Extract a Date of Birth, citzen and gender from an ID Number using data base in vb have 4 textbox for txtdob,txtgender,citzen(readonly)then txt.idnumbercan have 3 buttons test and search,addAll replies (3)Friday, April 20, 2018 12:35 AM...
In case candidates faces problems related totransactions, he/she will get the problem rectified by contacting through the below provided email ids and contact numbers: If Paying using SBI Bank: 2. If Paying using Syndicate Bank : 3. If Paying using HDFC Bank: ...