Change the cursorto the pointing hand. When describing user behavior, write 'a user + verb'. Auser looksforward to what will appear after completion. Avoid bracketed text. If information is important, put it out of the brackets or add a new sentence. Otherwise, remove it. ...
I want to display an icon on the left side when I move the mouse to a certain location, similar to the run to cursor in Idea debug Do you have any suggestionsVotes 0 分享 6 条评论 排序方式 Yann Cebron 创建于 2024年10月22日22:43 It's not quite trivial, see com.intellij.xd...
In this image: I want to change the orange highlight color and the color of the word out in System.out.println. How can I find the setting to change this? If it makes any difference I'm using the Obsidian theme.Votes 1 分享 3 条评论 ...
开发人员环境由 IntelliJ IDE 而不是 Eclipse 组成。 因此让我们学习如何将其转换为也支持 IntelliJ。 $ idea:idea 1) Maven 项目 $ archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.howtodoinjava -DartifactId=intelliJDemo -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart -DinteractiveMode=false 2) 支持 $ ...
Starting a new line of code is a simple task, not to mention one of the actions you perform most frequently while coding. The number of keystrokes it takes usually depends on the cursor position. When the cursor is at the beginning of a line, you might mo...
Just making this as a sort of knowledge collection issue. I wanted to try out one of the various LSP layers (I don't really care what language), but I think I might just be a bit early. Ideally, I'd like to be able to install a language ...
I install wsl2 , i learn that wsl2 use vhdx as store file, because C disk is small, so I want to move the vhdx file to other disk. please tell me how to do it. thx
For years,Javadevelopment has been dominated by three leading IDEs: Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA and NetBeans. But we have other suitable opportunities. Among many talented multilingual code editors, Visual Studio Code has proven to be an outstanding product with exceptional Java support. VS Code also pr...
I did that when I broke my leg and couldn't sit up for long. Typing is a bit difficult though when lying down, the headset won't change that. Maybe using the virtual keyboard as it can be placed anywhere in your space. Dictation by placing the cursor with eye focus. G genovelle ...
"files.trimTrailingWhitespace": trueTrim whitespace in files "editor.multiCursorModifier": "alt"When clicking the Alt key and clicking with the mouse, I can select multiple lines "editor.detectIndentation": trueAdapt to the file indentation, useful when editing other people code ...