Cleavage Site: Cuts in a defined manner within the recognition site or a short distance away. Activator DNA may be required for complete cleavage. Example: NaeI: GCC/GGC CGG/CCG Example(s): NaeI, NarI, BspMI, HpaII, SalI, EcoRII, Eco57I(6), AtuBI, Cfr9I, SauBMKI, Ksp632I Type ...
Over the past three issues, we've been discussing the basics of using Kontakt Script Processor (KSP) to extend the functionality of sampled instruments in Kontakt. If you've followed this far, you should hopefully have a good understanding of how the basic building blocks — callbacks, variable...
The solubility product constant {eq}K_{sp} {/eq} of a salt compound is the "K" value that controls this equilibrium. It is temperature-dependent and corresponds to a solubility product expression containing the maximum allowable constituent ion molarity values for the saturated solution....
but cognitively intact, individuals over 50 years of age are significantly more likely to have brain amyloid deposits than individuals free of that polymorphism [55]; reviewed in [56]. There is also evidence that, compared
Cleavage Site: Cuts in a defined manner within the recognition site or a short distance away. Activator DNA may be required for complete cleavage. Example: NaeI: GCC/GGC CGG/CCG Example(s): NaeI, NarI, BspMI, HpaII, SalI, EcoRII, Eco57I(6), AtuBI, Cfr9I, SauBMKI, Ksp632I Type ...