we'll discuss how to choose the perfect Procreate canvas size for your digital art projects. We'll cover everything from understanding canvas sizes and resolution, to adjusting canvas size based on purpose and optimizing for performance. Let's dive in!
There is a slightly quicker way to flip your canvas in Procreate. First, you must ensure that you activate yourQuickMenuin order to have access to the flipping shortcut. Most shortcuts can be personalized in theGesture Controlsmenu. Here’s how: Step 1:Tap on yourActions tool(wrench icon)...
How to create a custom canvas in Procreate How to use a font in text animation in Procreate How to create and use a layer mask in Procreate How to use a clipping mask in Procreate How to add accents to an animation in Procreate Tutorial Assets The following asset was used during this Pr...
Pick a grey color to cover the entire canvas with texture using the Max Size of the Procreate lineart brush. Change the Blending Mode to Multiply. Duplicate this layer and change the Blending Mode to Linear Burn. For a convenient work process, let's create a Group with the texture layers...
To use Procreate on an iPad, 1. Set up Procreate on your iPad, 2. Choose a canvas, 3. Use layers, 4. Roughout your sketch...
Can I use the Procreate pixel art grid? You can download a grid online and use it when drawing your pixel art on Procreate. Alternatively, you can also activate your Drawing Guide and change your Grid Size to 1 pixel. What’s the Procreate pixel art canvas size?
While the Move tool is active, you can hold downSpacebar+CTRL(Windows) orSpacebar+Command(macOS), then click and drag the image to zoom in or out. Dragging to the right zooms in, while dragging to the left zooms out the image or canvas. ...
To change the type of Drawing Guide, tap Edit Drawing Guide. I will be using Symmetry for this guide. Now that we have our Drawing Guides set up, return to your canvas and access your Quick Menu once again. Then tap Drawing Assist. Now everything I draw will be symmetrically mirrored ...
If you added colors to your Procreate drawing, each color layer will be saved as its own file. Open a new file in Adobe Illustrator. You can use a default size or set your artboard the same as your Procreate canvas was. Choose your color space—keeping in mind thedifferent use cases fo...
To avoid a low-quality Procreate design, open a blank canvas in your desired size and set a high DPI, like 300. Then import your photo to the canvas by tappingActions>Insert a photo. The photo will follow the DPI settings of the document, rather than its original DPI—resulting in bette...