1. 打开系统设置 (Open System Settings) 点击屏幕右上角的系统菜单,选择“设置”或“系统设置”。 2. 进入默认应用 (Go to Default Applications) 在设置窗口中,找到“默认应用”或“应用程序”选项。 3. 修改默认浏览器 (Change Default Browser) 在默认应用设置中,找到“网页浏览器”部分,点击当前的默认浏览...
For example, if you’re chatting in Discord, and someone sends you a link, your computer will open that link in your default browser. And once you’ve selected a default browser, you can always go back and pick another one if you change your mind. Here, we’ll show you how to chang...
Safari How do I set safari as my web browser on my iPhone I use to have it but I don’t anymore 3 years ago 285 1 Browser change How do I change browsers on my phone or my iPad? There is nothing under settings called “browser“. 3 years ago 429 1 1 reply Sort By: Rank...
it also comes with some settings that can be tricky to change, such as your default apps. When it comes to changing your default browser, there are several ways you can do this on Windows 10. I’ll walk you through two of them. ...
After changing the setting, please click[Restart]⑤to restart your browser for this setting change to take effect. How to use Internet Explorer mode AfterAllow sites to be reloaded in Internet Explorer mode (IE mode)be set to “Allow”, click the[Settings and more]icon ...
Next, let’s go toSettings(Alt+P). When you first open your browser settings, you’ll be in theBasic settingssection. Scroll down toSearch engine. There you can change or add search engines, as well as manage shortcuts for using various search engines. For example, if your default brows...
"Settings" in DLL project properties and app.config file "The function evaluation requires all threads to run" while accessing music library through wmp.dll "The left-hand side of an assignment must be a variable, property or indexer". Help? "The remote server returned an error: (401) Unau...
to save the changes. to change your homepage in google chrome, open your chrome browser and click on the menu icon represented by three lines on the top right corner of the screen next to the web address input field. choose "settings" from the drop-down options. in the "settings" ...
Open Firefox and go to Settings > General. You should see a message saying that Firefox isn’t currently your default browser. To the right of that, click Make Default. If you want to change your default browser to any other browser not mentioned in this article, you can take a similar...
Change UC Android Web Browser Download Folder Location & Settings First, start UC Browser on yourAndroidsmartphone. Once it opens, tap on the menu. A menu will appear on the screen; tap on Settings (Gear icon). In the settings scroll-down list, tap on the“Download Settings”option. ...