How To: Change the authentication for an Azure child domain from Federated to Managed. Hi, folks. This is a quick article intended to provide some more granularity on a specific topic relating to the Microsoft Docs article that outlines how to convert an ...
Azure DNS supports co-hosting domains with other DNS services. To set up co-hosting, modify the NS records for the domain to point to the name servers of both providers. The name server (NS) records control which providers receive DNS queries for the domain. You can modify these ...
runas /user:Domain\accountname Ssms.exe Regards, Ashwin Menon My Blog - http:\sqllearnings.comTuesday, October 7, 2014 12:01 PM ✅AnsweredHello,You can not directly Change the used domain account, it's always the current one. You would have to logon to the machine with a different ...
To change the size of a virtual machine by using a PowerShell script Create a PowerShell script with the following commands. Function HowTo-SetAzureVMSize{ [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ServiceName, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [st...
To change the size of a virtual machine by using a PowerShell script Create a PowerShell script with the following commands. Function HowTo-SetAzureVMSize{ [CmdletBinding()] param( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ServiceName, [parameter(Mandatory=$false)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [st...
如果您希望執行 .NET Core 應用程式的 Docker 容器能夠寫入 Azure 檔案共用,請在 SMB 掛接選項中包含nobrl,以避免將位元組範圍鎖定要求傳送至伺服器。 Bash HTTP_ENDPOINT=$(az storage account show \ --resource-group$RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME\ --name$STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME\ --query"primaryEndpoints.file"--out...
✅ How to change the folder name path of an AzureAD user on Windows 11:Hello,my name contains special characters and I was having unexpected behaviours of some softwares and I discovered it was given my user name special...
signs in to goes to the billing blade; selects the service to change; scrolls down and clicks the 'properties' tile; clicks the edit service admin button; enters the email address of the new service administrator; and finally clicks the OK button. Share Impro...
Now, you need to enter a name for your application. This is for your own use, so you can change the name whenever you want. For example, you can name it something like ‘WP Mail SMTP:’ As for the ‘Supported account types’ section below, it is a best practice ...
Here, the Azure SQL database collation is: SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS as shown. Now, let us try to change the collation of the database to Latin1_General_100_CS_AS_SC. Run this code on the Azure SQL database to change the collation. ...