If you are a Nintendo Switch owner who likes to customize your system with custom firmware (CFW) and homebrew applications, you may have heard of fusee. Fusee is a payload that allows you to launch CFW on your Switch by exploiting a vulnerability in the boot process. Fusee is part of the...
mods to the Nintendo Switch. I will be going over the process and explaining what to do with ...
Nintendo Switch v7.0.0 and v7.0.1 has been hacked and the hack method is now going public. Do you also want tocrack your switchand enjoy free games? Here is a complete guide for beginners who want to jaibreaker their console with custom firmware. There are types of CFW currently availab...
TheNintendo Switchcan bemoddedto access a whole new plethora of features. Modding a Nintendo Switch can be a little bit tricky, not to mention risky, and like everything, it has its merits and demerits. However, it should be mentioned that your Nintendo Switch must satisfy the criteria that...
Next put the micro sd card back into the Switch and then launch CFW atmosphere and make sure to pick Atmosphere experimental or the dev menu will not work after being installed. Now go to the album button and launch the homebrew menu, there you will see the tinfoil app you just downloade...
Well, today we have an easy tutorial on how to install NX themes to your Nintendo Switch! NX themes are beautiful layouts that grants the home screen extra squares for games, changes the way icons are situated on the home screen and much more. ...
Here’s how to easily know whether your Nintendo Switch is running CFW or OFW →You May Also Like Here’s how to get early access to install, feel, test and experience Apple iOS 16 and iPadOS 16 June 7, 2022 1 One Missing Basi...
Go to Game Settings > Per System Advanced Configuration > Nintendo 64. Set Emulator: Mupen64Plus:RICE. Set Power Mode: High Performance. Set Game Aspect Ration: 4:3.In-game ControlsI have not yet found a way to access the hotkey menu or to Quick Load or Quick Save.Button...
This time, chose launch and then CFW Your Switch will now boot into the OS! When you open the Album the homebrew menu should launch instead! You are now free to download any homebrew apps you want from the Appstore. Note:You will need to run the payload every time you want to replace...