About 70% of throat cancers, which are also called oropharyngeal cancers, are caused by HPV. However, not all HPV causes throat cancer.[1] HPV Transmission An oral HPV infection transmits through oral sex with an infected partner. When the virus infects the mouth, it can spread to the or...
The success of the polio vaccine demonstrated the benefits of using immunization to protect a population, and herd immunity can be achieved for a whole host of diseases beyond chickenpox and the flu, including measles, mumps and smallpox. And while the term herd immunity seems to imply that th...
Franceschi S,Munoz N,Snijders PJ.How strong and how wide is the link between HPV and oropharyngeal cancer?. The Lancet . 2000Franceschi S,Munoz N and Snijders PJF.How strong and how wide is the link between HPV and oropharyngeal cancer ( J).The Lancet. 2000...
Abnormal screening Pap smears, bleeding after intercourse, irregular bleeding, discharge or pain can be signs associated with cervical cancer. Risk factors for cervical cancer The biggest risk factor is exposure to HPV, a virus that is widespread. There are hundreds of strains of HPV. Some of ...
Cancer of the uterine cervix is the second largest cause of cancer deaths in women, and its toll is greatest in populations that lack screening programmes to detect precursor lesions. Persistent infection with 'high risk' genotypes of human papillomavirus (HPV) is necessary, although not sufficient...
Another tip on how to get an orgasm for women that you should remember is that you do not put pressure on yourself, especially when it is your first time. According to a study about masturbation for women[2], the first time when you experiment with masturbation, you do not put any pres...
Wondering how to find out if you have HPV, a virus transmitted through sexual contact? Find out what tests determine how the condition is diagnosed.
HPV vaccination to prevent cervical cancer and other HPV-associated disease: from basic science to effective interventions. Identification of HPV infection as the etiologic agent of virtually all cases of cervical cancer, as well as a proportion of other epithelial cancers, has ... Douglas,R,Lowy...
“Breast cancer is a treatable disease, but you have to catch it early,” Dr. Aliabadi says. “And it’s not difficult to catch breast cancer early.” “I would want every single woman walking on this planet to know her lifetime risk of breast cancer.”– Dr. Thaïs Aliabadi...
Having an itchy butt isn't usually a reason to jump to scary conclusions. However, in rare cases, anal itchiness can also be a sign of cancer. Both Paget's and Bowen's diseases are forms of skin cancer that attack the surface layer of the skin. Up to half of the people with Paget...