If you’re playing D&D with kids, things are guaranteed to get silly at some point. Lean into it! If you open yourself up to being weird and goofy, this will enable your players to do the same. You can use one of the most well known rules of improv which has become an adage in...
If a player had a 10-minute spell start during one encounter, I'd probably be a bit more careful about tracking how long it takes them to get to their next encounter, trying to present it as an interesting option: "Do you want to spend some more time searching this room, or rush ah...
One important constraint is that we did not have any meaningful "Crowd Control" type abilities: our Rogue was an Assassination Rogue (no spells, no powerful tactical abilities), our Druid was using their whole turn keeping me alive (a double hit usually resulted in me dr...
cast it once without a spell slot, and you regain the ability to cast it in that way when you finish a Long Rest. You can also cast the spell using any spell slots you have.Spell Change. Whenever you gain a new level, you can replace one of the spells you chose for this fe...
Graviturgy Wizards are able to use their ability Adjust Density to reduce the weight of a creature. If they do, that creature can jump twice as far as usual. The Warlock’s Eldritch Invocation: Otherworldy Leap allows them to cast the jump spell at will, without consuming a spell slot....
DnD 2024 featsplay a much larger role in the new Player’s Handbook. Every character gains an origin feat at level one, and fighting styles are now a sub-category of feat. Everyone also gets an epic boon feat if they level up enough. This is a complete guide toOne DnD feats, ...
on a short restto help maintain damage output. To start, create a Paladin, Oath of the Ancients is a good choice for the Paladin subclass for the Aura of Warding at level seven to take half damage from spells. Continue to level up the Paladin to level seven before switching to Warlock....
speed, it refers to all speed types that the character has access to. For instance, a Lizardfolk Barbarian who reaches level five improves both walking speed and swim speed to 40 feet. A level 18 Monk who has the Fly spell cast on them receives that +30 bonus to their magical flight ...
same level from the same list when you gain a level. You choose Wisdom, Intelligence, or Charisma as your spellcasting modifier for these spells when you take this feat. You can cast these spells once per Long Rest without expending a spell slot, and can cast them again using spell slots...
If you’re planning a murder mystery for higher-level players, the easiest solution to dealing with potential mystery-killing spells is to have the victim not meet one of the requirements. We go over some ways of impeding resurrection spells in the Navigating Resurrection Spells table. You could...