Use cast(ID as varchar) Thursday, August 29, 2019 6:03 AM Hi Yang, Excellent! thanks for the explanation! with best regards, ...
It’s also important to note that different SQL implementations will behave differently when running queries that useCASTfunctions to convert data types. Running a query with aCASTfunction in MySQL could produce different results than running the same query in PostgreSQL, for exa...
Now that you understand the various date data types, we can move on to the functions you can use for date conversion in SQL Server. Here are some of the various ways to convert data in SQL. CAST CASTis a built-in SQL conversion function that converts a value from one data type to a...
It really depends on what you're trying to accomplish. It's not clear from your question. However, let me add one thing that hasn't been mentioned in any of the replies so far. In a DataRow, the data in the column is treated as an object. If you reference via the Typed DataSet ...
Let's get back to Graham's original error. He wanted to do a SELECT INTO and got blindsided by the apparent double identities and didn't really want OrderID to remain an identity in his temp table anyway. Listing 5 shows how to counteract that problem by using CAST()....
When you perform an operation on a column in your select statement, you're generating a new ...
and define it as the values of the SalesYTD column times the conversion rate that we obtained from the Web service. First, we have to cast the conversion rate, which is a string, to an appropriate numeric data type. Then, let's ROUND the result neatly to two decimal places, and save...
LOAD DATABASE FROM mysql://pgloader_my:PASSWORD@IP_ADDRESS/DB_NAME INTO postgresql://DB_NAME:PASSWORD@localhost/DB_NAME WITH include drop, create tables INCLUDING ONLY TABLE NAMES MATCHING 'events_eventstream' ALTER SCHEMA 'DB_NAME' RENAME TO 'public' CAST column 'events_eventstream'.'preview...
Brian, I figured out what I did wrong, sorry for the confusion on this and thank you so much for the help, I will remember from now on if I need to cast the columns to add the extra variable. This has helped my education with SQL so much. ...
-- copy the first column of the results to a file called '4-dropnonuniqueidx.sql'-- copy the second column of the results to a file called '6-addnonuniqueidx.sql'SELECT'DROP INDEX '+'"'+T.Name+'"'+'.'+'"'+I.Name+'";','CREATE '+cast(I.type_descasvarchar...