Head to Your Bank or Credit Union It's also possible to cash the postal money order at the bank or credit union where you have an account. Just as you would at the post office, you'll need to sign the money order in front of the teller and provide a valid ID. You'll also need ...
If someone gives you a postal money order as payment, you can take it to a post office to cash. Rural carriers can also cash money orders if they have the funds on hand. If a money order is damaged, you can take it and the receipt for its purchase to a post office, and they wil...
you can generally cash money orders at your local post office or retailers like Walmart. Keep in mind that you may need to pay a fee if you choose to cash a money order at the non-issuing institution.
A money order is similar to a check in both appearance as well as function. You can treat one just as you would a check that's made out to you. You can cash a money order or you can deposit it into a bank account to get access to the money. It's just a piece of paper until...
Post Offices. The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) is also a money order issuer. In theory, if you have a USPS money order, you can cash it at any post office. However, if it’s for a large amount, a small post office may not have enough cash on hand to pay it. ...
You'll also usually receive a receipt with your money order which you should hold on to in case you have any issues. When someone receives a money order, he or she can usually deposit it at a bank or cash it at a check cashing location or post office. ...
Losing your money order doesn't always mean saying goodbye to your funds. Use these steps to cancel it, receive a refund or get repaid if it's cashed.
Since not all Western Union branches are able to cash checks, it is important to call ahead and confirm that the location closest to you performs this service. Read More:How to Get a Refund on a Western Union Money Order Provide the Appropriate Documents ...
Read the complete guide for how to make money blogging, including practical tips for building your readership and earning an income, in 11 simple steps.
A money order is a secure alternative to cash or a personal check, which you can use to send money or pay bills. It works much like a check and is usually issued by a government or banking institution. You can cash a money order or deposit it into a bank account. ...