the roots start to chew up driveways and cause all kinds of trouble. They also seem to have a difficult time with tough storms. The happy result is that if you've got a chainsaw, there
Join our Furniture & Woodworking World for workshop tips and tricks for beginner craftsmen all the way up to advanced woodworkers. If you need help building some wood cabinets or using your router, you'll find help here. Got some pro tips to share? Show
Up until the ‘30s, whenever a fire broke out, firemen had to drive around on funny-looking bicycles and use their legs to get around. These men used to patrol around the city and look for fires with the hope of catching them before they began spreading. Alamy Stock P...
The log you work with should be dry, not freshly cut: the drier, the better, as it means less risk of your lantern cracking. For your first attempts, we suggest you choose a coniferous wood with a low resin content because it’s softer and will be easier to carve. As your carving ...
Prop the mower up on a block of wood, then use a flat blade screwdriver to pry off the cover that conceals the wheel bolt. In most cases with self-propelled mowers, it’s only the drive wheels that need replacement. The procedure is the same for both. Front-wheel drive mowers tend to...
Canadian theatre and hospitality professionals James and Wendy Fairbairn have always liked to carve their own path. And so, it came to be that three generations of their family have added to Muskoka’s storied settlement history and the entrepreneurial spirit at 1002 Cowbell Lane located on the ...
ˆWhen his business associate C.V. Wood told him about London Bridge, the two concluded that it was just the kind of eye-catching centerpiece Lake Havasu needed. McCulloch even hatched a plan to carve one of the lake’s peninsulas into an island so the bridge would have something to ...
If you don’t want to use any chemicals or other ingredients, you can just cut the tree down repeatedly. Grab some large pruning shears or a chainsaw and clip every section of branch with leaves on it. But, leave all of the thick wood. The tree won’t get the sunlight and nutrients...