Many state health departments have created initiatives that provide people with Narcan nasal spray for free, but these can be a bit difficult to find and navigate. NEXT Distro lists state websites in its database, but you can also search for your state and “free naloxone program” or “opi...
These groups may be able to provide test strips free of charge, or know where you can get them. How can I protect myself from a drug overdose? Do not use drugs alone Use fentanyl tests strips Find and utilize a local clean needle-exchange program. Carry naloxone (Narcan) and encourage ...
A recent study similarly suggests a correlation between greater access to Narcan, the drug used to reverse potentially fatal opioid overdoses, and a rise in the use of opioids. In your opinion, should the concept of moral hazard affect public policy? If so, what are the relevant factors ...
In addition, some states -- like Ohio -- are encouraging relatives of addicts to carry an antidote calledNarcan. It can be obtained without a prescription in a number of states, and has been credited with saving many lives. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, resources are...
PERRONE And somebody called and said “Does anyone have Narcan? There’s a man down.” And I do carry Narcan and so I ran five or six subway cars up and there was a man on the ground getting CPR, was blue — cyanotic — was pulseless, really on the brink of death or defined as...
Often, she said, staffers knew family and friends in their communities who might need a dose of Narcan. "They were really personally affected and wanted to be better prepared for their community," she said. Better leadership in neighborhoods. Kensington is no longer under the emergency ...
on the ambulance for years, since the 1980s. It used to be a drug that would expire and we never used," Merry said. "We have almost doubled the amount of Narcan we carry on the ambulance now because there are so many overdoses and we cannot get back (to the station) to restock....