Water when the roots, in the lower two-thirds of potted soil, begin to dry. Push your finger 2 inches down into the soil of a 6-inch-diameter pot. If the soil feels moist, do not water. Repeat until the soil feels dry, then water. Push you finger to a 1-inch depth in smaller ...
Are you thinking of adding a new herb to your garden this season? Whether growing rosemary indoors or in an outdoor herb garden, these popular plants are quite hardy, and their care is straightforward. In this article, gardening expert and former organic farmer Logan Hailey takes a deeper loo...
Just know that Rosemary can be subject to mildew. I had this happen to a rosemary plant I was growing in a container in a corner of my house in Santa Barbara. Upon noticing the mildew build-up I moved the plant away from the wall and to a location with better air circulation. Mildew...
They're about fusing outdoor with indoor spaces. Urban light wells with leafy trees. Dividing up living spaces with beds of bamboo. Bonsai in cobbles lining a hallway.doi:10.1007/BF01246382Hanan, AliArchiv Für Die Gesamte Virusforschung
If you love to cook: Herbs: The options are truly endless when it comes to an indoor herb garden. Consider basil, rosemary, thyme and mint to add the homegrown touch of fresh herbs to your favorite meals. Aloe vera: While not necessary for a chef, this is a great plant to have on ...
For potted plants in the garden and around the house, you should use the rule of thumb test, push your thumb into the soil and if it’s dry then feed or water your plants. Potted plants and vegetables need all the nutrients they can get so the key is not to let it dry out and ...
Pay attention to how your cat spends their time indoors. Are they drawn to sunny spots? Do they enjoy sitting by the window watching the world go by? Use these cues to select the ideal spot. 2. Select the Right Style There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to catios. Consider...
Rosemary Philodendron Prayer plant (Image credit:Ashley Poskin) Plants That Are Easy to Propagate With Root Division Multi-stemmed houseplants can be divided to create one or more additional potted plants. “Certain plants have root systems that ‘run’ or sprawl,” says Ren Elizabeth ofEco-friend...
Potted plants usually display a very noticeable sign of underwatering: the soil seems to pull away from the edges of the container. This happens due to shrinking soil particles. As the soil shrivels up and reduces in size, there will be an obvious gap between the dirt surface and the pot...
Indoors, you can crush up egg shells into your potted plants or let the shells soak in a jar of water that you later use to water your plants. You can also start seedlings in them over the winter and plant them in their very compostable containers in the spring. In addition to the ...