Potted gardenias are perfect for porches and patios, where you can shelter them from harsh sunlight and winds and easily move them indoors if desired (see our guide to bringing outdoor plants inside). Tree forms are especially lovely when grown in containers, and add sophistication to formal ga...
They are not the most cold hardy but can be planted in containers or potted plants and brought indoors or in a warm garage for winter. Morning sun and afternoon shade is the perfect planting site. Gardenias prefer slightly acidic soil with good air circulation. A gardenia pH of 5.0 to 6.0...
Growing a Gardenia Indoors potted plant Black Mold on Foliage Lynne's Gardenias Gardenia jasminoides Search The Garden Helper:
Gardenias need regular re-potting in spring, as they dislike congested roots. Use ericaceous compost as these plants love acidic soil. To maintain humidity, stand the potted plants on a pebble tray full of water or mist the leaves. Caring for indoor azaleas Azaleas thrive indoors with cool ...
Most houseplants grown for their flowers need to be within three feet of a bright window (examples: African violets, gardenias, orchids). All plants require a period of darkness; it’s when they do most of their growing! Light exposure should not exceed 16 hours. ...
The gardenia is a tender evergreen shrub with amazingly fragrant flowers and shiny, dark-green leaves. A native of the tropics, it tends to need a bit of extra care to grow its best. Here’s how to plant, grow, and care for gardenias in your garden or home!
Gardenias are well known for the beautiful cream hue of the blooms as well as a powerful, intoxicating fragrance. To maintain the healthy appearance of the blooms and the shine of the dark green leaves, proper care is required. While the gardenia is not a particularly simple plant to grow,...
Grow potted gardenias in potting soil formulated for roses. Caring for Gardenias Watering: Provide 1 inch of water each week during the growing and blooming season. Water whenever the soil feels dry. Too much and too little water can cause gardenias to drop their blossoms and buds, so...
Azaleas come in thousands of varieties, according to the Azalea Society of America. You'll find evergreen and deciduous varieties, which can grow as shrubs, bonsai trees or as potted plants. Container-grown azaleas can be displayed indoors or out. Examin
The Hibiscus plant is a popular garden plant that’s often right up there, with roses, carnations, and gardenias as one of the most common choices. Even better, they’re often easier to grow indoors than the plants mentioned above.