Getting them in the ground before winter hits is essential, as they need weeks of exposure to the cold to trigger blooming in late winter. These plants are resilient and will grow well in many locations in your garden. But, if you want to replicate their native conditions for strong ...
There are a few things you can do to help your plants come out of the winter at their best. Along with watching for pest problems that may weaken plants if left unchecked, many, but not all, areas in the United States can benefit from occasional winter watering. “Super dry soil will...
To grow Ceanothus successfully, you will need: A spade. A garden fork. Gloves. Manure or other well rotted compost. Wait until the spring to plant out, when the soil is beginning to dry out from the wetter winter months: Using the spade, dig a hole in the ground that is twice the ...
How to Care for Your Winter TransplantsNo matter the weather, winter officially ends for me on theFebruary day I plant the season's...riggenbach, jan
Like other plants, citrus trees have different levels of hardiness and can tolerate different temperatures. Although some are more hardy than others, still make sure to bring them indoors over winter in an unheated conservatory or hallway.
Deep-water new plants at least weekly for the first 2 years. Gardening Tip: Do you live in an area prone to high heat? Find a spot hit by a good dose of afternoon shade. Plagued by winter winds? Choose a site offering protection. How to Maintain Boxwood Shrubs Your shrubs should be ...
Fall is the best season to plant bare root plants as it gives the roots more time to get established before they have to produce flowers. Make sure to get it in the ground at least 6 weeks before the ground freezes so it has some time to settle in. ...
The beauty alone is an added benefit to any landscape, but along with that… October 22, 2024 General Water Gardening, Water Gardening Blog Caring for Frogs and Important Winter Tips You’ve got the water, you’ve got the plants, you’ve got the fish, but something just doesn’t seem ...
Cut away all over-wintering cankers on your pear tree that result from fire blight. Cut away all of the diseased tree tissue, as well as 6 inches beyond the infected growth to leave only healthy, disease-free wood. Stop fertilizing your pear tree in midsummer to allow the tree to harden...
Light in Winter: Special Orchid Care Considerations As summer transitions into fall and winter, the sun is lower on the horizon and the days grow shorter until winter solstice, the longest night of the year. We recommend reducing daily indirect sunlight exposure to four to six hours during wint...