Begin in fall, 6 to 8 weeks after blooming is complete. Dig up the entire iris plant and place it on a tarp or hard surface. Use a scissors or pruner to cut foliage down to ⅓ of its height. Using a sharp knife, begin cutting root sections away from the outside of the clump. ...
How to Plant Spring Bulbs in January How to Care for Paperwhites After Blooming How to Grow Gladiolus Bulbs Indoors Spring bulbs, such as daffodils, hyacinths, crocuses and tulips, are typically planted in the fall and bloom in the spring. However, to enjoy bulbs during different times of ...
After Bloom Care for Bearded Iris It is best to wait until after the plant is done blooming to fertilize. This helps the plant to produce food for the rhizome so that next season’s display will be even bigger and better! If you are growing are-blooming iris, fertilize after the second ...
New named varieties of bearded iris are developed for commercial sale every year, and the ranking of the most popular irises, conducted annually by the American Iris Society, changes frequently. When looking for irises to plant,2it's a good idea to look for those that have won well-known a...
Named after the Greek goddess Iris, who was considered a messenger between heaven and earth, this flower is a symbol of communication and eloquence. If you're eager to welcome this flower into your garden, you might be eager to explore the many types of iris flowers available. Fair warning...
How to Care for Dahlias Wait until the danger of frost has passed in the spring to plant dahlia tubers, which are sensitive to temperatures below 25°F. Tall dahlia varieties should be planted at a depth of about 6 inches, though for smaller cultivars, a planting hole about 3 inches dee...
After deadheading, many tulip growers allow the foliage to die back naturally. They dig up the bulbs about six weeks after blooming. Discard damaged or diseased bulbs and let them dry. Store them in trays or nets in a dark, dry place over the summer and replant them in the fall. ...
After blooming: After all the flowers have faded, remove the stalks but leave the foliage intact. It will produce the fuel the bulb needs to flower again next year. With proper care, an amaryllis bulb can last for decades, but it needs a resting period to replenish its resources. The ...
Bloom time: Summer to fall Elegant chalice-shaped flowers in shades of deep burgundy contrast with broad speckled foliage, creating excitement in the landscape. Plant alongside summer-blooming annuals for months of seasonal color. Photo by: Proven Winners BE MY® SUNSHINE— Buy now from Proven ...
You can always plant the seeds directly in the ground after they fall from the tree, but this can be a bit hit or miss. It’s best to harvest the seeds, test their viability, and then cold stratify them in seed trays. To harvest the seeds, break the “wings” off the pods and pl...