African Cichlids are popular among aquarium hobbyists due to their stunning colors and unique behaviors.Creating the ideal habitat is crucial for their well-being and overall health. To make your African Cichlids feel at home, you need to replicate their natural environment as closely as possible....
This is a cichlid that is pretty small in size compared to some other cichlids. The male fish can reach the size ofthree inches,whereas the female fish only reaches the size of two inches. Since it is a small fish, many people assume it can be kept in a bowl without any filtration, ...
Cichlids Cichlids are very popular in the tropical fish hobby and a lot of fish keepers gravitate towards keeping more and more cichlids as they get deeper and deeper into the hobby. Some cichlids are great species for your first aquarium. This includes kribs and angelfish. Other species can ...
Cichlids, a Large Family of Diverse Aquatic Life Spanning the Globe Shubunkin: Fish Species Profile Pearl Gourami Fish Species Profile Blood Parrot Cichlid Fish Species 11 Catfish Species for Your Aquarium The Anatomy of Fish Pea Puffer: Fish Species Profile Cardinal Tetra: Fish Species...
If you are both aquarium enthusiasts, you may want to consider oranda goldfish as your first pets together. These beautiful fish develop large hoods called wens on their heads and are as friendly as they are attractive. Understanding proper care for thes
Due to their territorial behavior, black sharkminnows are best housed with large community fish species, such asoscar fishandfiremouth cichlids. Roseline Shark Roseline sharks, ordenison barbs, are medium-sized, vibrant fish of thebarbfamily, endemic to pools, streams, and rivers in India. These...
Overall, the acan coral is considered one of the easiest lps corals to care for and beginner-friendly. Unfortunately, they are not favored by most beginners though. Acans do not bring exciting movement to the reef tank like other LPS coral likeEuphylliathat wave in the water current.On top...
Cichlids (e.g. Angelfish, Discus) Goldfish Mollies tropical fish Platy fish Siamese fighting fish (betta fish) Swordtails Having set up a beautiful aquarium, make sure you introducehealthy and non aggressive fishif you decide to add more species. But, don't make it too crowded!
After the mother lays the eggs in the upper chamber of the snail shell, the father fertilizes them. After two to three days, thelarvaehatch and the mother carries them with her mouth to the lowest chamber of the shell. Dedicated maternal care of cichlids ...
Don’t lose hope if you find your aquarium fish with bulging eyes, struggling to see. This is a treatable condition known as Fish Popeye Disease that can be taken care of through proper knowledge and attention! In this blog post, we’ll provide all the necessary information on how to iden...