How to Grow and Care for Calibrachoas Whether you call them million bells or baby petunias, easy-to-grow calibrachoas may be small, but they pack a big punch of color in the garden. Go Shopping Get product recommendations from HGTV editors, plus can’t-miss sales and deals. ...
Spread the seed pods in a single layer in a shallow cardboard box. Place the box in awarm,drylocation where the pods can continue to dry for one to four weeks. Tip Harvest more seeds than you need; calibrachoa arehybrids, so some seeds may not sprout. In addition, the seeds are unli...
Campanula flowers (Campanula spp.) are a group of flowering perennials native to the Northern Hemisphere. Also known as bellflowers, these plants are highly desirable for their large, bell-shaped flowers that come in shades of blue, purple, pink and creamy white. The size of the plant varies...
Ageratum combines well with other sun-loving annuals. Possible companions include petunias, bunnytail grass, sweet alyssum, African daisy, calibrachoa, and coleus.RELATED: Annuals You’ll Love Annuals to Consider for Your Garden This Year How to Create a Container PlantingJOIN 100,000 GARDEN LOV...
How to plant: Make sure soil is loose and well-draining. Dig a hole just wide and deep enough for the root ball and place plants 6 to 12 inches apart. Take care not to disturb the roots. Tamp down soil gently around the base of plants and water moderately. Growing from seed: Sow ...
Care For Campanula Bell flower (Campanula spp.) Spread a 2-inch layer of mulch around the newly planted campanula. Water campanula plants deeply once per week during spring, summer and fall, providing about 1 inch of water weekly. Reduce watering to once every two weeks during winter. Use ...
There's not much to wandering jew care: just ensure enough sun, good soil drainage and occasional fertilizer, and watch these plants grow. If they become overgrown or leggy, pinch them back.
Moonflower Care Tips Light Moonflower flourishes insun to partial shade. Soil and Water Plant moonflower insoil that drains welland has a neutral pH. Water the plants regularly, but don’t let them sit in overly soggy soil or they'll rot. ...
Calibrachoa (Million Bells): These plants resemble small petunias and come in various colors, including blues, purples, pinks, and yellows. They are trailing plants that will spill over the sides of the hanging basket, creating a lush and cascading effect. ...
Care Propagation Types For those hot, dry spots in your garden where most plants may struggle, lantana may be your solution. This hardworking plant with colorful flowers thrives with little moisture in full, unyielding sun. It's also easy to grow and pollinator-friendly. It is common to see...