Ball pythons – and most other pythons – bear two small clawlike appendages near their tail bases. Calledspurs, these structures are the vestigial remnants of rear legs. Males use them to stimulate and position females during mating, so their spurs are normally larger than females'. However, ...
If your ball python is about to shed, then it won't be eating until it is all done getting rid of the old skin. Signs your snake is about to shed include an ashy appearance to their skin and milky eyes.3 Stress is an often-overlooked reason why snakes won't eat. New enclosures, ...
I'm attempting to duplicate in Python a DOS program I wrote years ago. I have tried other Python GUI frameworks, but couldn't get all the functionality I wanted in the main menu. I recently found PySimpleGUI and thought I would give it a try. So far, so good.ghost closed this as ...
When he’s not at the office or tied to a computer, you’ll find him at a golf course chasing a little white ball. Acknowledgments Our editor: Brian Sawyer was Head First Programming’s editor. When not editing books, Brian likes to run marathons “for fun.” It transpires that this ...
Wrote this in Python. I know it is not the platform, but it did take 30 mins of time. P.S.=> PYTHON def checkString(string): gap = 1 index= 0 while index < len(string)/2: value = [string[i:i+gap] for i in range(0,len(string),gap) ] x = [string[:gap]=...
Building a Chatbot with OpenAI's GPT-3 engine, Twilio SMS and Pythonby Miguel Grinberg Generating Dragon Ball Fan Fiction with OpenAI's GPT-3 and Twilio SMSby Sam Agnew The Ultimate Guide to OpenAI's GPT-3 Language Modelby Miguel Grinberg ...
Big data refers to massive complex structured and unstructured data sets that are rapidly generated and transmitted from a wide variety of sources.
Mutation testing is well-known for its efficacy in assessing test quality, and starting to be applied in the industry. However, what should a developer do when confronted with a low mutation score? Should the test suite be plainly reinforced to increase the mutation score, or should the produc...
No doubt many of us would consider an election and its attendant politics to be the paragon of an adversarial institution or process. Naturally, we expect a certain degree of hardball from candidates and parties when it comes to a competition for power. However, it’s one thing to raise ...
Figure 7 demonstrates LLP learning to predict the movement of a ball bouncing in a box over 0.5 s into the future. Initially, the algorithm makes no useful prediction, but as it collects more observations it learns to accurately predict the future motion over that window of time. We assess ...