There are around 1,000 species of tarantulas in theTheraphosidaefamily. One of the more popular species kept as a pet is theChilean rose (Grammostola rosea), a hardy spider native to Chile that's generally easy to care for. As pets, tarantulas need housing that mimics their natural habitat,...
Unfortunately, it’s extremely rare to be able to determine the sex of a hermit crab at the pet store. It’s also rare that pet store employees will know the sex of their hermit crabs. Oftentimes, they tell you it’s the “luck of the draw,” which isn't really helpful when you’...
Bites from ticks usually look bright red but are painless. The color may develop darker towards the center. If the head is not buried in the skin, remove the tick properly, using tweezers to pull the insect near its mouth, trying not to leave any part of the head or body on the skin...
How to Care for Small Pets How to Celebrate Easter How to Celebrate Jewish Holidays How to Celebrate Ramadan How to Deal with Child Anxiety & Depression How to Discipline Children How to Do Small Science Projects for Children How to Feed Your Baby How to Get Pregnant How to Have a Healthy...
For extra peace of mind, our Total Care Solutions services offer ways to ensure your loved one is being cared for if they’ve chosen to age in place. Schedule In-Home Respite Care Near Me When you choose Homewatch CareGivers, you get a much-needed break and the peace of mind that co...
If you live in an area where scorpions live, you may wonder about scorpion stings and dogs. Knowledge is power, so it's best to be prepared in case your dog gets stung by a scorpion.
While filth flies, such as the common house fly, are attracted only to offal and manure, biting flies will actively irritate pets. Large populations can seriously impact your pet's health. Feeding and Breeding Sites Identification of feeding and breeding sites can help to discern types of infest...
After the impending anxiety for a week, the day was delightful, thanks to my husband and loads of caring friends! As one friend shared, the older you get, the more freedom you have, because you care less and less about worldly things. Excuse me for this blog being short, I […] ...
Using a clicker to train your Bengal cat has a few advantages over traditional treats. For example, this type of training is less expensive and less damaging to your pet’s waistline! Follow these steps to become a clicker pro in training your kitty: Associate the sound of the clicker with...
Weekend was pretty good for me as we spent it in the keys. When to a wreck called the eagle and saw my favorite nurse while I was down there. Also had a scorpion come at me but hey always nice when you are blowing bubbles. 0 Likes Reply OriginalGreyWolf In response to ...