Growing tomatoes: an easy guide for beginners Looking to dip your toe into growing your own fruit and vegetables? Tomatoes are a great place to start. They're one of the easiest plants to start from seed, and you don’t need too much space to get a tasty crop. Carry on reading to ...
They should not get bruised either. The bar should start against your shins during the setup, and then drag over them to the top. But if your shins get beat up, your form is probably off. Make sure you’re not to close to the bar and hips not too low. Knees Push your knees out...
One of the best ways to help yourself heal faster after surgery is to eat well. Getting the proper nutrition will provide your body with the essentials it needs to promote healing. Here is a suggestio… Read More Cancer and Type 2 Diabetes ...
Deadlifts build lower back and hamstring strength, and they teach you to keep your lower back tight against a heavy load, which is critical to avoid injuries when lifting objects from the ground or floor. Unfortunately, this is also why deadlifts have gained a bad reputation for causing a v...
You or your child had an accident and now the ankle is bruised and swollen, and hurts when you touch it. You’re wondering if the ankle is broken or sprained and what you should do about it. It’s important to know which type of injury you have because treatment can be different for...
Don't check her out with a head-to-toe eye sweep. She'll think you're a creeper. Look her in the eye. Then begin to look for reciprocal clues. Does she smile at you? Gaze in your direction? Then by all means, talk to her. As for the "what to say" debate, keep this in ...
How long does it take an irritated nerve to heal? Regeneration time depends on how seriously your nerve was injured and the type of injury that you sustained. If your nerve is bruised or traumatized but is not cut, it should recoverover 6-12 weeks. A nerve that is cut will grow at 1m...
That boot has a platform sole with a bit of a wedge so you NEED to find a shoe for the other foot with enough of a sole height your hips are level or you will experience back/hip pain. (I like a wedge shoe more than a flatter sole with a heel. Guys, you might want trainers ...
A broken rib is certainly not fun, but it’s not an injury that usually leads to permanent damage. You can find a way to sleep with a broken rib that works for your lifestyle. When in doubt, always ask your doctor about which method is best for you. ...
Cayley Mandadi, 19, was a sophomore at Trinity University when she was brought to a Texas hospital on Oct. 29, 2017. She was nearly naked, bruised and not breathing. Her sometime boyfriend Mark Howerton told doctors they'd taken ecstasy at a music festival and she passed out after conse...