the overall shape,it is also labeled as the candelabra plant or crested euphorbia. The name Coral Cactus is a bit of a misnomer because this plant is not classified as a cactus at all. It istechnically a succulent, related to other plants in the expansive Euphorbiaceae family, like...
Christmas cactus plants are easy to care for, even withstanding a few weeks of neglect. Given the right conditions, these beautiful winter-flowering plants mature into amazing arching specimens that live up to 20 years. When the blooms have faded, stop watering your plant for 6-8 weeks to al...
Cactus plants prefer well-drainedpotting soil. You can use a commercial option or create one by mixing equal parts of peat-based potting soil with coarse sand or aquarium gravel, which can aid soil drainage. Waterlogging the roots of a cactus can be hugely detrimental to the plant, so it m...
Nopalimex's gas is made by using the prickly pear(刺梨)——a kind of cactus. To make the gas, the prickly pear is mixed together with manure(肥料). Then the mixture produces the gas that can be used as fuel. Why cactus? Fuel can be made from other plants such as corn. but ther...
With Epiphyllum as its botanical name, the orchid cactus is an epiphytic plant that grows on other plants or the bark of trees in its natural habitat. Because of their large, colorful blooms that evoke the blooms of orchid, they are commonly and rightfully referred to as orchid cacti. ...
Something bugging your houseplant?Mealybugsare attracted to cactus plants. They look like tiny specks of cotton and tend to cluster at the base of the stems. You can scrape them off, then treat your cactus with insecticidal soap. Easter Cactus Care Tips ...
The Christmas cactusis a long-lasting holiday plant (move over, poinsettias!) that flowers in winter with colorful, tubular flowers in pink or lilac hues. Learn how to care for a Christmas cactus—how much to water this succulent, how to get a Christmas cactus to bloom, and how to propag...
Here are some tips to encourage your cactus to flower. Step 1 Choose a cactus that is comparatively easy to grow. Some cacti take more than 50 years to mature, but the Gymnocalycium, Parodia, Mammillaria, and Notocactus cacti can be easily taken care of and can flower indoors. ...
Pediocactusare very slow growers. For this reason, they are frequentlygraftedon strong, hardy cactus stocks likeOpuntiaandEchinocereus. The flower buds stay dormant on the plant apex all winter and will open in spring when temperatures rise. To avoid damaging flower buds, the grafted plants should...
Fuel can be made from other plants such as corn,but there are a few reasons why cactus is a better choice.First,prickly pears need very little water and very little care,and grow well in hot temperatures.Today,these characteristics (特点) are key.Also,unlike corn,prickly pears don't need...