How to capitalize all letters in Word Here's the easiest way to capitalize all letters or change the case of text in your Word document. Highlight the text you want to change. In the Home tab of your ribbon, click the Change Case icon, which looks like a capital and lowercase Aa ne...
Read More: How to Change Case in Excel Without a Formula Method 2 – Using an All Caps Font to Capitalize All Letters The following fonts have only capital form: ALGERIAN COPPERPLATE GOTHIC ENGRAVERS FELIX TITLING STENCIL Create a new column where you want the results, copy the original values...
Example 1 – Using the VBA UCase Function to Capitalize All Letters in Excel We can use the UCase function in VBA Excel to capitalize all letters. Enter the following code in your VBA Editor and press the Run button or F5 key to run the code: Sub UCaseFunc() Dim myRng, outputRng As...
Part 1: How to Change Capital Letters to Lowercase in Excel Change Capital Letters to Lowercase In the labyrinth of Excel's possibilities, the journey from uppercase to lowercase unfolds with artistry. Embark with us as we unveil an array of techniques, each a brushstroke in the canvas of t...
If you have a list of text strings, now, you want to extract all capital letters only or the words starting with a capital letter from the cells. How could you solve it in Excel? Extract capital letters from text strings with User Defined Function ...
Let's look at all three Writer, Spreadsheet, and Powerpoint individually! How to Change Small Letters to Capital Letters in WPS Office In WPS Writer? Step 1: Open the Document and Select Letters Begin by opening the document containing the text you want to change in WPS Writer. N...
How to Use UPPER function in Excel|The UPPER function in excel is used to capitalize all letters of a string. In this article, we will explore how you can use the UPPER function to do some really important tasks. Validate only uppercase in data validation| To allow only upper case entrie...
Or if you want to Generate Small Random Letters: In this formula, you need to use 97 and 122 for the random letter to be in the capital letter. =CHAR(RANDBETWEEN(97,122)) How this formula works Now, let me tell you how this formula generates these letters.First of all,you have to...
Suppose there are different letters in a range. How can you quickly determine the largest (max) letter in that range? Checking the letters one by one is inefficient. Here’s a formula that can quickly identify the largest letter in a range in Excel. ...
How to Convert Capital Letters to Lowercase in Excel The LOWER function does exactly what you’d expect—it converts all letters to lowercase. Syntax: =LOWER(text) This function works the same way as UPPER. Feed it a cell reference or text string, and Excel will handle the rest. Let...