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Give your proforma invoice number and press enter. Than save it. Remeber if u cancel proforma invoice ther will be no impavt on accounting bcoz prforma invoice is not an accounting document. Reward points if it helps. Regards Ashis You must be a registered user to add a comment. If ...
User able to delete delivery without cancel the invoice and reverse the PGI. Now user want to cancel the invoice but he is not able to do. So please suggest me how can we cancel this invoice, here delivery has already cancelled. Also we required that user should able to cancel the deliv...
How to post Foreign Currency Vendor Invoice Step 1)Enter Transaction code FB60 in the SAP Command Field Step 2)In the next screen ,Enter the Following Data Enter Vendor Id of the customer whom invoice is to be posted. Enter Invoice Date Enter Document Type as Vendor Invoice Enter the Invoi...
Solved: Hi Gurus, I am doing a program that takes invoices from EKBE Table, but I want to know if tinvoice is cancelled or not, otherwise I will not take it. I have been
SAP Ariba Procurement, cloud edition, SAP Ariba Central Procurement, MM Invoice Verification, Software Logistics how to cancel invoice document? thanks line-1555213973029.jpg Know the answer? Help others by sharing your knowledge. Answer Need more details? Request clarification before answering. Comme...
SAP Business One SAP Business One View products (1) Hi, My accounts team place the incoming entries, When they get the Cheque from the customer. Once the Cheque cleared they have to reconcile it. How to do it? Cheers, Prabakaran R Know the answer? Help others by sharing your knowledge...
The SAP supplier invoice creation is a straightforward process in SAP FIORI interface, with a dedicated transaction that is named the same way:...
Once the SAP users have posted the receipt of the goods in MIGO, they have made a mistake in the goods posting and want a special case, in their material to be posted directly to unrestricted stock. Therefore, they cancel the posting to reverse the process and do it again. ...
The SAP supplier invoice creation is a straightforward process in SAP FIORI interface, with a dedicated transaction that is named the same way:...