一般来说,你会从你的雇主那里收到你的T4。你的雇主必须在2月底之前通过邮寄、在线或亲自提供给你。 越来越多的公司已经给他们的雇员发送T4的电子版本。你可能可以通过你的公司门户网站,用你的员工登录来访问你的T4报表。请留意你的电子邮件或工作中的任何更新,看看如何访问你的T4。 如果您有CRA的 "我的账户",...
CPP contributionsare recorded in boxes 16 and 17 on the T4 slip. Pensionable earnings are used to calculate the amount of CPP contributions due to the CRA. It’s important to remember thatCPP contribution rates, maximums and exemptionsare updated annually. With that in mind, always check for ...
You became a non-resident of Canada before purchasing the home. If you want to cancel the Home Buyers’ Plan, you must complete form RC471 Home Buyers’ Plan (HBP) Cancellation and send it to the CRA along with a receipt of a repayment to your RRSP and a letter explaining your decision...
For e-filers, the most convenient way to pay taxes due is to set up an electronic funds transfer or credit or debit card payment at the time of filing. You may also send a check by mail. To file a paper return with a payment, you may also mail a check or make your tax paymenton...