The abdominal muscles coordinate to move the trunk from side to side. They also maintain the abdominal pressure to keep organs in place. The abdominal muscles help you breathe, too. Contraction of these muscles pushes the abdominal contents upward, applying pressure on the diaphragm. The same act...
Eating or drinking too quickly:When you gulp down food or beverages without chewing properly or pausing between bites, you may swallow air along with them. This excess air can irritate your diaphragm, leading to spasms. Consuming carbonated beverages:The bubbles in soda or sparkling water can str...
Don’t forget about your cough – if you haven’t already coughed up thehair by this time it’s because your body doesn’t exactly know what to do with it yet and is holding backon coughing it out because of some sort of fear (i.e.: spasms). So keep coughing! Hold nothing back!
and I'm lucky that I had a friend who volunteered to help me. In my case, I had to walk and carry my cat into a National Forest—by the time we got to the place of my choosing, I could barely lift my arms. I would never have been able to carry the shovel; this is why...
She experienced great rapture and ecstatic orgasmic sensations until she began to tire of this hyperstimulation of her nervous system. Shortly afterward she developed laryngeal spasms, which were accompanied by the fear of choking to death. Then the symptoms returned in full and for several weeks ...
Your muscles heal very differently than your bones. If you fracture a bone, as long as it is set and fixed in place properly, it will tend to heal so thoroughly that it will become stronger than it was before the fracture! Bone tissue heals with calcium
I went into my first surgery after the C-section to get restitched. After that, I thought, “Well, now we’re all set.” Little did I realize that this would be the first of many surgeries. I wasn’t coughing for nothing; I was coughing because I had an embolism, a clot in one...