I saw some questions on it, so here is an easy guide: Firstly, you need to make a .bat file. Edit it and paste this, of course change pathes and file names to yours: C:\Simba5\Simba.1.1.rc4.exe -o "C:\Simba5\Scripts\my_script_to_run.simba" -r T
just as the title says, does anyone know how to inlclude other scripts and libraries in the same script? For example I have a function named "C" in script "B" and I want to #Include "B" or something like that to call it from another file "A". Thank ...
passing parameters. The whole point of creating a subroutine is to be able to call the same section of code from multiple places in a script. So it stands to reason that when the subroutine is called, the parameter will change, as will the variable passed to the parameter. Kind of like...
In your sql script file you call another script using xp_cmdshell, make sure you have xp_cmdshell enabled. exec master..xp_cmdshell 'osql -E -ix:\path\filename.sql' Thursday, March 25, 2010 3:52 PM You can use :r inside your outer script.Tibor Karaszi, SQL Server MVP |http://www...
Often, in NetSuite, we find ourselves needing to invoke a RESTlet from another script. Typically, this requires using the N/https module, which prevents the direct use of the script's internal URL. Instead, we're faced with setting up an authorization Header in the RESTlet, a ...
How to return a value from another script Hi! I have a parameter in an existing script, let's call the parameter param1 and the script - script1. I have another script - script2, which receives param1 and returns a certain value. ...
If the script can be called from within another script, that would be more workable. Does anybody know if it is possible to call the Layer Comps to Files script from another script, bypassing the GUI? It can be done for the Load Layers into Stack...
Found a lot of posts on how to pass a parameter to another script. What I dont get is how to reference that value once in the second script. Let's say I have a script "main" and another called "other" where "other" is compiled. Main just was $myVar="Hello World...
spec = ilu.spec_from_file_location(file, folder) your_lib = ilu.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(your_lib) your_lib.function() Related Video Feel free to watch the following explainer video where Finxter CreatorPetershows you how to call a function from another file: ...
Add switches to powershell script add text to the start of a line Add the same firewall rule with netsh and with PowerShell Add User Account - Local Security Policy Add user to multiple groups add users from another domain to domain local groups ADD-ADGroupMember - AD Contact Add-ADGroup...