Solved: Hello, I am very new to the ABAP world. I have been given a task to call a method if_hrbas_plain_infotype_access~read_single from the class
This method is used to add a list of buttons to the toolbar. The buttons are defined in a table of typeTTB_BUTTON, and it can be filled witha button definitions using methodfill_buttons_data_tableof thecl_gui_toolbarclass. The button group is added to the toolbar using methodadd_butt...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi hope it will help you. CALL TRANSACTION About CALL TRANSACTION A technique similar to SESSION method, while batch input is a two-step procedure, Call Transaction does both steps online, one after the other. In this method, you call a transaction from ...
The line number of the TextEdit control that is double clicked, is retreived using method GET_SELECTION_POS. The internal text table is reloaded froim the TextEdit control with method GET_TEXT_AS_R3TABLE. The position of the double click in the TextEdit control is used to find the entry...
SAP Managed Tags: Consumer Products, ABAP Development Dear fellow developers, my ABAP keyword documentation tells me that I can use the EXPORTING parameter of CALL METHOD OF only for enumerated parameters using #1 = value1 #2 = value2 and so on. I'm trying to call up the "Execute" - ...
Set_button state method Used to change the state of individual buttons at runtime. If the button should be removed, use thedelete_buttonmethod. CALL METHOD go_toolbar->set_button_state EXPORTING * ENABLED = 'X' * CHECKED = ' '
DimUnit:abap.unit(3); ProductPicUrl:abap.char(255);} Step 3: Implement query When implementing the query you have to know that the implementation class only offers one method which is calledselect. The code first checks if data is being requested or not. ...
Adds a new button to the toolbar CALL METHOD go_toolbar->add_button EXPORTING fcode = 'EXIT'"Function Code for button icon = icon_system_end"ICON name, You can use type pool ICON is_disabled = ' '"Disabled = X butn_type = gc_button_normal"Type of button, see below ...
We are in the process of implementing office 365 integration using ABAP. I am looking to call Powershell from ABAP and connect to office 365 and execute some commands to update certain attributes. Step 1 : Connect to Office 365 by passing user credentials Step 2: Perform update operations on...
If you notice furhter this call is done in method GET_ROW_SASH . So this ABAP method is used to call frontend method GetRowSash . Regards Marcin Reply Former Member In response to MarcinPciak 2009 Jul 31 2:57 PM 0 Kudos 152 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Thank you,...