Property requirement: Kosatka Submarine Number of players: 1-4 Setup cost: $100,000 (per target) The heist on Cayo Perico is about to start. Image by VideoGamer This Heist was added to the Grand Theft Auto Online game back in 2020 and is one of the largest updates so far. The great...
KosatkaMake use of the facilities offered by theKosatka Options:Request Kosatka | Request Vehicle | Request Dinghy | Return Options | Access Options | Empty Options | Scuba Gear Acid LabMake use of the facilities offered by theAcid Lab Options:Request Acid Lab | Request Delivery ...
Things will be slow at first, but once you’ve done your first heist you’ll be able to buy better weapons and vehicles to make things quicker—prioritise the Sparrow helicopter for the Kosatka. From this point on it’s a continuous cycle of doing the Cayo Perico heist quicker and quicker...
Property requirement: Kosatka Submarine Number of players: 1-4 Setup cost: $100,000 (per target)The heist on Cayo Perico is about to start. Image by VideoGamer This Heist was added to the Grand Theft Auto Online game back in 2020 and is one of the largest updates so far. The great...