Complete resource on dialing to Japan: country code, mobile and geographic area codes, phone number format and other helpful information
Osaka, Japan from Germany 00 + 81 + 66 + Local Number * Do not dial the plus (+) symbolsHow to call: 00 - Exit code when making an international call from Germany 81 - Japanese country code for inbound calls 66 - Osaka city code 00 + 81 + 66 + Local Number - ...
The time in Fukuoka Japan is now23:13:35 PM(11:13:35 PM) Mobile codes: To call a mobile phone in Japan from Singapore use the following dialing code format:Exit Code ** + 81 + Mobile Code* + The Number *Japan has multiple mobile carriers:70,80,90...
For example, to call the US number (123) 456-7890, dial 010+1+123-456-7890. Note that this method will work from any Japanese phone; however it tends to be an expensive way to make an international call. From abroad to Japan Dial the international dialing access code (depends on the ...
Asian Phone Number Examples: To show the variety of Asian phone numbers, let’s look at a few examples: Japan’s country code is +81, the Tokyo area code is 3, and the local subscriber’s mobile phone number is 2345 5675. India’s country code is +91, 22 is the area code for Mu...
other than that anything beyond these two seem to go up in price dramatically quite quickly; there doesn’t seem to be much in that 2,000-5,000 yen range, although I did have the my worst (non-self afflicted) haircut in Japan at what I might call a “value luxury barber” for arou...
If you’removing to Tokyooranother part of Japan, you’ll want to get a Japanese mobile phone number set up as soon as possible—preferably before you arrive, for maximum ease of adulting here. You’ll need a Japanese phone number toset up a bank account, sign a lease and sort out ma...
incoming calls in Japan are free to take, so if you simply need a local number to be contacted on, you’re good. If you want to place phone calls to local numbers, you’re also OK but make sure you do some comparative shopping to see which one of these services offer the best deal...
Never ever stick the chop stick in the food. And never pass the food between yourselves by touching each other's chopstick. These actions are part of the burial ceremony in Japan, and it is therefore very rude to play with food this way. ...
Read 8x8’s comprehensive guide on how to call Japan from the US and learn about country calling codes, rates, saving tips, and more.