flutter-tizen/flutter-tizen#217 (comment) We now need to call a callback in app, this callback can request drm license on its own and return license back to player, and then player use the return result to get license key. For example: The dart callback in app will like this:Future...
Well, in the context of Flutter, until now the application can only handle the background events using the platform code. Any plugins had no way to allow users to make a callback for handling the background events in Dart. That is the reason why Flutter users need to create platform-spec...
Step 2: Add the SSL certificate to the Flutter project Once we have downloaded the SSL certificate, we need to add it to our Flutter project. To do this, we can create a new directory named ‘ca’ in the root directory of our Flutter project and save the SSL certificate in this direct...
Next we need to implementgetAll()method to retrieve list of heroes from our web server. Our method returns aFutureof type list of hero. Inside the function, we call and awaithttp.get(_heroesUrl). Await allows us to wait for a response before proceeding to the next line. The functionget...
The topic of the article is "How to ensure the fluency of the UI under the single-threaded model". This topic is based on the performance principle of Flutter, but the dart language is an extension of js, and many concepts and mechanisms are the same. I won’t talk about it in detai...
I want to hold on until my loops have finished, however, it seems to finish my function without doing all jobs inside the loop. i = 0; await Future.wait( this.localSpecialties.map((LocalSpecialty el) async { if (el.file != null) { Uri uri = await MyStorageService.uploadImage( ...
Step:- 4 Update Profile API call Method. Future<void> UpdateProfile1() async { try { EasyLoading.show(); String token = Prefs.getString(TYPE.S_TOKEN.toString()); int id = Prefs.getInt(TYPE.S_USER_ID.toString()); var request = http.MultipartRequest( ...
{ rethrow; } } ///Delete Method Future<dynamic> delete( String path, { data, Map<String, dynamic>? queryParameters, Options? options, CancelToken? cancelToken, ProgressCallback? onSendProgress, ProgressCallback? onReceiveProgress }) async{ try{ final Response response = await _dio.delete( ...
Moreover, they will ensure your app is built with the capacity to handle large user bases and future updates. Besides, a skilled IT partner will significantly simplify the process of selecting the right functionality set and will assist you in dealing with different tech hurdles like the app’...
To create an instance of a class one needs to call theconstructor“function” (to be concrete “method” because this function is defined inside class). Flutter widget classes almost always use named parameters, which is increasingly useful the more parameters a Widget has when you call its con...