I need to call a function in javascript from php if some condition is met. The php code and the javascript function are in the same file. I don't need to generate code of java script function because it is not effective to be done in a function with parameters and I also need to m...
function MsgBox(hWnd: Pointer; lpText, lpCaption: String; uType: Cardinal): Integer; stdcall; external "user32.dll" name 'MessageBoxW'; This imports the 'MessageBoxW' function from User32.dll (Windows API library), named 'MsgBox' to be used in the script, like: procedure TestDLL; var S...
Unfortunately, it hasn't worked, yet. Does the above look like the correct way to call a function from a stored procedure? I'll try googling it and see what I come up with. Again, thank you for your generous help. -Chris Subject ...
Example of using a stored procedure in a PHP application 1. Creating the PostgreSQL stored procedure The example program will call the following stored procedure, which adds two complex numbers and returns the result in INOUT parameters. Let's start by creating a stored procedure: CREATE OR R...
Here is the latest I have tried which I found online to try and use DispatchGroup, in my viewcontroller I have this function private let myGroup = DispatchGroup() @IBAction func submitBtn(_ sender: Any) { if GlobalVars.isSearching { return } print("Sending SQL Update for Work Order ...
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined functionget_header()in /var/www/username/public/blog/wp-content/themes/theme/index.php on line37 Another reason for a fatal error is exceeding the execution time: Fatal error: Maximum execution time of30seconds exceeded in /home/username/domains/domain.com/...
I want to calculate the diff between every element (array) of this multidimensional array using array_diff PHP function. The first thing I've thought is to split the multidimensional array into single arrays with this:for($cnt = 0; $cnt < count($values); $cnt++){ for($cntB...
As an example, the following code could have been inserted after the 'mysqli_connect' call to validate that a successful connection between PHP and MySQL was obtained (see more on How to Test your MySQL Connection here): if (mysqli_connect_error()) { print("Connect failed: " . mysqli...
Well organized and easy to understand Web building tutorials with lots of examples of how to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Python, PHP, Bootstrap, Java, XML and more.
Well organized and easy to understand Web building tutorials with lots of examples of how to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Python, PHP, Bootstrap, Java, XML and more.