But it's important to understand that the pop up is created by the renderer process and not the main process itself! The main process just asks the renderer to show the alert (that's what webContents.executeJavaScript function actually does). Secondly, as I understand what you'...
function GetUsernames() { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { sql.connect(config).then(function () { new sql.Request() .query("SELECT [UserName] FROM [Users] ORDER BY [LastLogin] ASC").then(function (recordset) { resolve(recordset); }).catch(function (err) { reject(err)...
Async functions are available natively in Node and are denoted by theasynckeyword in their declaration. They always return a promise, even if you don’t explicitly write them to do so. Also, theawaitkeyword is only available inside async functions at the moment – it cannot be used in the ...
it is added to the call stack. If that functionfunctionA()calls another functionfunctionB(), thenfunctionB()is added to the top of the call stack. As JavaScript completes the execution of a function, it is removed from the call stack. Therefore, JavaScript will...
It allows us to write a synchronous-looking code that is easier to maintain and understand.Async/await is non-blocking, built on top of promises, and can't be used in plain callbacks. The async function always returns a promise. The await keyword is used to wait for the promise to ...
Is it possible to short-circuit a running async function like one can do with a generator by calling its return method? A use case would be to have a finally block invoked in order to clean up resources, etc.
See how I added the a letter to mean async.Now we can change this example “callback hell”:client.hget(`user:${req.session.userid}`, 'username', (err, currentUserName) => { client.smembers(`followers:${currentUserName}`, (err, followers) => { ...
By way of an example, let’s try to logthe crypto module’sDEFAULT_ENCODINGproperty, which was deprecated in Node v10: constcrypto=require('crypto');functionbar(){console.log(crypto.DEFAULT_ENCODING);}functionfoo(){bar();}foo();
Here is a complete sample use case that can be executed inNodeJS (The current NodeJS includes the async module): ===nodejs examplefunctiongetLinkedPromiseAndMcb(cb){//get the promise to await and the modified cb that will//fulfill the promise//Glossary: r=resolve fcn, lp=linked promise...
The async function is also a function. We usually use it as we use the function, just add parentheses to call it, in order to show that it does not block the execution of the code behind it, we add a sentence console.log after the async function call; ...