Well, in the context of Flutter, until now the application can only handle the background events using the platform code. Any plugins had no way to allow users to make a callback for handling the background events in Dart. That is the reason why Flutter users need to create platform-spec...
toList(); } else { // If that call was not successful, throw an error. throw Exception('Failed to load data'); } } } JavaScript Copy Output Conclusion In this article, we have seen how to fetch API data using FutureBuilder Widget in Flutter. Thanks for reading, and hope you like ...
I am a new flutter developer so please exucuse any coding etiquete errors if found.I am considering just sending the loggedinuseraccesscode string from the loginscreen to the main screen then call the getUserdetailsfromApi function there and use a future builder to s...
Flutteris an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. It allows developers to build natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Using the Dart programming language, Flutter provides a rich set of pre-designed widgets and tools, enabling th...
How to build Flutter mobile app and perform basic CRUD functions with Aqueduct application.👈 You are here From thepreviouspost, I have shared how to setup your web server to implement RESTful api using Aqueduct with Postgresql. In this post, we are going to start building our flutter app ...
In today's post, we are going to learn about the Fluttertoast notifications, and how to create a toast notification in Flutter with the FlutterToast. So, let's begin! What is a toast notification in the Flutter app? A Flutter toast is a non-clickable, unobstructed, auto-expiring el...
Step 1:- Add dependencies in your pubspec.yaml file and get pub. dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter intl: ^0.18.0 http: ^0.13.5 image_picker: ^0.8.2 Step:- 2 Add API endPoint in yourApiClientclass. class ApiClient { static final String BASE_URL = "https://codeplayon.com/v1/"...
I'm trying perform change appointment status and rebuild when operation has completed on API.i tried to use notifyListeners, but not having success. _controller.appointmentDataSource.notifyListeners(CalendarDataSourceAction.add, _controller.appointments);// here appointment has been updated with a ...
You will see the following error when sending an API request to an HTTPS endpoint: HandshakeException: Handshake error in client (OS Error: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED: unable to get local issuer certificate(handshake.cc)) When a Flutter application makes a POST request to a server, it verifies ...
I am using Experimental:-Add-Flutter-Activity to add a Flutter Activity with my native android app, but some plugin are not work. I found that I didn't register plugins at all, Can anyone tell me how to do it at io.flutter.embedding.andr...