Using connection string "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle; ...", my VBA code is connected to Oracle 19c. Next, how do I call an Oracle stored procedure...
This article is exactly what the title suggests - How to call an Oracle stored procedure that returns one or more REF CURSORS, using ADO from C++. We needed that for one of our projects, and not knowing Oracle as much as we knew SQL Server, searched for online help for days. No artic...
Hi there, I am trying to find out on how to call a oracle stored procedure but no success yet. I have already load the procedure definitions into the data...
An attempt has been made to use a data extension that is either not registered for this report server or is not supported in this edition of reporting services. An attempt was made to set a dataset parameter that is not defined in this dataset An error has occurred during report processing...
Hi, I am developing application with silverlight 5, RIA Services and Entity Framework.I am using oracle 11g database. Now my requirement is i have to call a stored procedure which returns cursor. O...
The problem should be with the "MyResult" variable, but I don't know what to do. I tried with "@" sign, with no difference. It is interesting that if I call the procedure within an Sql window it works perfectly like this:
Create a stored procedure and how to call it. : Procedure Definition « Stored Procedure Function « Oracle PL / SQL
I have written following stored procedure to test procedure call from iReport designer. Stored Procedure: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE test(cursor1 out sys_refcursor) IS BEGIN OPEN cursor1 for select person_id,first_name from person where rownum < 5; END;
How to call a stored procedure using callable statement in JDBC explain - You can call the SQL stored procedures using the CallableStatement interface. A Callable statement can have input parameters, output parameters, or both.You can create an object of
Example of using a stored procedure in a PHP application 1. Creating the PostgreSQL stored procedure The example program will call the following stored procedure, which adds two complex numbers and returns the result in INOUT parameters. Let's start by creating a stored procedure: CREATE OR REP...