Telegram has an official bot channel called No To Scam which you can use to report any kind of scams discovered on the platform. Below, we’ll show you how you can use the bot on Telegram to report a scammer. 1: Open Telegram To report a user on Telegram, first open the Telegram ap...
a fake SMS may contain a ‘customer support’ number, and the scammer at the other end of a fake call may identify himself as your ‘Flipkart account manager’. You may even be asked to transfer a small amount for the logistics of a free gift you have won. ...
In order to cancel the fake order, you'll either have to click a link or call them on the telephone. Either way, the ultimate goal of the scammers is to get you to give them some personal information. They'll claim it's for the purposes of canceling the fake order. They'll want ...
The scammer may try several different tactics to get you to call them or disclose sensitive information. Here’s what to do if you think you’re dealing with a sales call scammer: Push for the caller to tell you their company name. Just because they claim to be from “your processor” ...
Call Backusing the number you have checked. Businesses, friends and family won’t mind if you need to do this to protect yourself. Simrat Sharma,Mobiles Expert How to spot a text scam Scammers are using more cunning methods, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still catch them out. Look...
Request your money back.When in contact with the gift card company, ask for your money to be returned. This is often on an individual basis, but if the money was frozen or not yet accessed by the scammer they might be able to give you your money back. Some gift card companies offer ...
Online scammers frequently ask you to call a number, click a link, or log in to an account. The trouble is, you’re not logging into a legitimate portal, but instead, you’re sharing your login info with the scammer through a counterfeit web page or form. ...
Another type of scam involves borrowers who are preparing to close on a home loan. This type of scam typically involves phishing schemes in which a scammer attempts to steal your banking information. If they succeed, they can reroute your down payment or closing cost wire transfers into their ...
In practice, unwanted calls still find a way through. But it's still a smart step to take. To register your mobile or landline number, call 0845 070 0707. Alternatively, from a mobile, text "TPS" and your e-mail address to 78070. You'll know you've been successful in signing up ...
Early in his scambaiting career, Pierogi encountered a scammer who went by the name Jerry. Jerry tried to steal a bunch of money from him. To help with the scam, he had a victim he called his “secretary.” He had her call Pierogi, and her voice was trembling through the conversation...