How to call a QML function from c++ code in BB10.? My QML function- function loadingData(data) { evaluateJavaScript("createChart('" + data + "')") } Now how can I call this "loadingData" function from c++. Please help... c++ qt blackberry-10 blackberry-cascades Share Improve thi...
If, on the other hand, you export a C-style interface, a C++ program can statically link to a wrapper class that calls the DLL. Using a C++ wrapper allows the DLL to be called by other programs and still give the C++ user a C++ interface to the DLL. Below is an simple example ill...
I want to use "callback functions" in C/C++ DLL, so I want to set "function pointers" as arguments of C/C++ DLL adaptors in TestStand.Could you show me the way how TestStand C/C++ DLL adaptor work with such function pointers as arguments?
Application::getInstance()->getScheduler()->performFunctionInCocosThread([=](){ se::ScriptEngine::getInstance()->evalString(script.c_str()); }); Note: unless it is clear that the current thread is the main thread, the function needs to be distributed to the main thread for execution. ...
How do I execute a member's function by passing the object and the member's function to another function in c++. I do understand the answer to my question is out there; however, I do not know what this is called. So far I created 2 files, exeFunc.h and exeFunc.cpp. Their code ...
module kuku; export "DPI-C" function sayHello; import "DPI-C" function void something(); initial something(); function int sayHello (); $display("hello world"); sayHello = 1; endfunction endmodule How can I compile it and make this work so when I call something() from S...
In this section we will discuss on how to call C++ functions from C code. Here is a C++ code (CPPfile.cpp) : #include <iostream> void func(void) { std::cout<<"\n This is a C++ code\n"; } We will see how the function func() can be called from a C code. ...
how to call non static member function from Static Function? is that possible. prettyprint 複製 class MyClass { public: MyClass(); (); Cmd_MouseWheel(short zDelta, POINT pt); private: LRESULT CALLBACK MouseHookProc(int nCode, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); static void MouseHook(int n...
[C\C++] - putting the window in center of screen [C++ 2010] How to create big array sizes? [HELP]How to call a function in another process [SOLVED] Get process name image from PID [SOLVED] GetPrivateProfileString problems C++ I can't get it to work or I am doing it wrong... [...
Scenario 1:Before we start the discussion how aptmfis used to invoce a member function, lets have a look how a "normal" C++ non-virtual member function invocation works. PtmfX * x = new PtmfX(); ... x->learnA(); Here we are using aPtmfXinstance pointer (x) to call member funct...