Once you determine the pay raise you want to give, it's only a matter of doing some simple math to calculate the dollar amount. But don't worry — there are a lot of sites that provide a pay raise calculator, and you can even use the calculator app on your phone. It’s that easy...
Ready to learn how to calculate a pay raise? You can use one of two methods to calculate a salary increase: Flat raise Percentage increase 1. How to calculate salary pay increase: Flat raise With a flat raise, you determine how much additional money you want to give the employee and add...
To raise your GPA quickly, understand how your GPA is calculated and develop a plan to raise it. It can be done with the right plan and some determination.
To calculate your effective tax rate you need two numbers: your taxable income and the total amount you paid in taxes. Key Takeaways Knowing your effective tax rate can help you understand how well you’ve been managing your tax situation throughout the year. Your effective tax rate is diffe...
The attrition rate measures the number of employees who’ve left an organization within a set period of time. Learn to calculate & decrease this number.
The formulas used to calculate BMR are different for men and women and they've been revised since they were originally created. These are the revised Harris-Benedict BMR equations: Male: (88.4 + 13.4 x weight in kilograms) + (4.8 x height in centimeters) – (5.68 x age) ...
When it comes to taking on debt in order to own a home, things can get even more emotional. A home can be the center of your daily life; it can be where you raise a family, where you spend your days, where you hide out when the world gets too crazy for your liking. Because of...
Real wage discussion that shows how to calculate your real hourly wage & compare it to what you think you are making.
By contrast, opponents of a minimum wage contend that a raise could spur higher consumer prices as employers offset rising labor costs. Minimum Wage Twenty-one U.S. states raised theirminimum wageon January 1, 2025. They are: Alaska
To calculate cost of revenue, it's important to first decide what period to use. Many companies will calculate cost of revenue on a monthly or quarterly basis to use for decision-making during the course of the year. Another important aspect of calculating cost of revenue is determining what...