The glue is a polymer and is made up of long, repeating, and identical strands or molecules. These molecules with flow past one another keeping the glue in a liquid state. Until… You add the borate ions to the mixture, and it then starts to connect these long strands together. They be...
Many systems use a valve to control the rate of flow through the fluid through the piston, rather than alter the properties of the liquid itself. The more restricted the flow, the firmer the stroke of the damper’s piston. Aston Martin, for instance, uses a system from Bilstein branded ...
Magic numbers in 3D printersare the specific layer heights that align with theZ-axis motorand lead screw properties, to give a smoother and more accurate printing process. They are used to avoid the unalignment of the layer heights towards the points on the printer...
It's the most important piece of automotive maintenance, and you really don't want to skip it. Here's how to change your vehicle's oil in seven easy steps.
Dynamic viscosity is often measured with a rotational viscometer, which uses a spinning probe immersed in a sample of liquid. Depending on the nature of the test, the probe may be a cylinder, a sphere, a disk or some other shape. Viscosity is determined by the force needed to rotate the...
If the water in the mixture is not saturated with dissolved air at a given temperature and pressure, the mass transfer between the air–liquid interface continues until the surrounding liquid becomes saturated [7, 9]. In stationary conditions, this process is diffusion-controlled and creates a ...
Small particles threaten the drink with dustiness, viscosity, and acridity; large ones threaten it with wateriness and rancidity. Burr Burr coffee grinders are equipped with disks called burrs. The distance between them is adjustable. By changing the distance, you can change the grind size. The...
Put simply: stabilizers are ingredients that thicken water. This is also called addingviscosity. The more viscous a liquid is, the “thicker” it is. In scientific terms, they'rehydrocolloids. When hydrocolloids disperse in a liquid, they bind to the water molecules, which reduces their movement...
As wind moves over the car in the tunnel, computers are used to calculate the drag coefficient (Cd). Wind tunnels are really nothing new. They've been around since the late 1800s to measure airflow over many early aircraft attempts. Even the Wright Brothers had one. After World War II,...
Dimensional changesdue to variable viscosity or pressure losses. Variable weld linesbecause the machine is running full tilt. Excess flashdue to too much pressure in the parts. Shortscaused by a lack of pressure in the parts. Creating a culture of consistency. ...