The constant is often defined as the mean of the dependent variable when you set all of the independent variables in your model to zero. In a purely mathematical sense, this definition is correct. Unfortunately, it’s frequently impossible to set all variables to zero because this combination c...
A prediction interval is a range where a single new observation is likely to fall given values of the independent variables that you specify. Narrower prediction intervals represent more precise predictions. Most statistical software can calculate prediction intervals. Related posts:Making Predictions with...
How to Calculate Distance between Two Points using GEOPY Gmail API in Python How to Plot the Google Map using folium package in Python Grid Search in Python Python High Order Function nsetools in Python Python program to find the nth Fibonacci Number Python OpenCV object detection Python ...
How to Calculate Distance between Two Points using GEOPY Gmail API in Python How to Plot the Google Map using folium package in Python Grid Search in Python Python High Order Function nsetools in Python Python program to find the nth Fibonacci Number Python OpenCV object detection Python ...
Descriptive and primary analysis were conducted in SPSS v.28. In the primary analysis, we examined the main effects of INR on FV consumption and on SFAS consumption, adjusted for sociodemographic control variables, prior wave FV and SFAS consumption frequency, and prior wave INR. Next, we examin...
Previous research has found that frugal and price-conscious consumers are more likely to engage in second-hand luxury consumption as these consumers calculate the monetary value and justify their purchases from a rational point of view [1,10]. Thus, the following hypothesis was proposed: Hypothesis...
The model’s fit indices were above the cut-off points commonly established in the literature: RMSEA values were below 0.08, with an upper limit below 0.10, and CFI and TLI values were above 0.90 [50]. The CFI (comparative fit index) and TLI (Tucker Lewis Index) indices calculate the ...
Principal component analysis and Varimax rotation were used to identify the factors, and an Eigenvalue larger than one is used to calculate the total number of components. A correlation of less than 0.3 or 0.4 is regarded as trivial [48]. The factor loadings following rotation all surpass ...
In the second stage, the Tolerance and VIF values in each construct were evaluated to determine whether there was a multicollinearity problem. It was determined that the maximum VIF value for each construct was 2.296 and the minimum Tolerance value was 0.593. These values indicated that the ...
Considering mental health is dichotomous, binary logistic regression models were used to calculate the odds ratios (ORs), standard errors and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) to show the associations of each UGS metric with mental health. All the statistical analyses were performed in IBM SPSS ...