Calculating outdoor upholstery fabric by the yard is a science that changes from project to project; there isn’t one tidy answer. Nevertheless, we can give you some guidelines, tips and tricks to help make sure you are able to accurately calculate the correct amount of fabric needed for mos...
How to calculate fabric for your upholstered chair project I found this great post from the online fabric store,Calculating Fabric Yardage for your Project. They also share some upholstery charts with images of furniture styles with the yards needed for that type of furniture. It is a great res...
Yardage We default again to our quilter friends. Now, obviously our little pillow example does not begin to compare to the length ofbiasstrips needed forbindingan entire quilt, but we think this will help you to determine exactly how much fabric you will need for any project to which you ...
Using the item ship weight as a rough guide (7lbs), you can use the Dye Estimator tool to calculate how much dye you will need for your cord. It can vary dramatically depending on the color you choose but we’ll do the math for you – simply select your color and plug the weight ...