I am currently in an Engineering coding class working with MATLAB. We have been assigned a project to develop our own script/function that would deal with an engineering problem. I chose to do my project on Reynold's number to determine if an object...
I currently have a section of a function that is very slow (when length(data) >> 200). I've been struggling to make use of matlab's speedy matrix manipulation, particularly with the conditional statement that has a variable in the condition (u). data = cumsum(randi(20,1,200));% An...
the distances between boundaries, and the shortest line segment between two boundaries. This approach also works to calculate distance fields from edges and points in 3D models. The computed distances can be used anywhere within the setup, physics definitions, and results evaluation of a model. We...
It is important to apply a pressure point constraint far away from the interesting behavior in the flow any time we solve for steady flow in a closed cavity — whether it is a mixed tank reactor or a natural convection problem. A couple of example models that use pressure point constraints ...
In some special turbulent flow cases where thewall functionis used, it is more accurate to compute the viscous force using thefriction velocity,spf.u_tau. In COMSOL Multiphysics, the k-epsilon and k-omega turbulence models use the wall function. ...