I went through this my self year ago. When I purchased a new mirror from Terry O. The new mirror had the same focal ratio rating but the focal length turned out to be a little shorter than the original mirror. I realized this when I found that I did not have enough infocus for any...
Calculate How Much Meet You’ll Need: Factor in 1 1/2 pounds of meat per person. Choose a smaller bird: Smaller birds tend to be more tender; think about cooking two small turkeys instead of one large one if you need to feed a lot of people. Opt for a fresh, organic turkey for ...
12. Calculate turkey cooking time and temperature. The simplest way to figure out turkey roasting times is to calculate 13 minutes per pound at 350°F for an unstuffed turkey (that’s about 3 hours for a 12-to-14-lb. turkey), or 15 minutes per pound for a stuffed turkey. Check the...
Don’t be intimidated by a turkey. One that’s not huge (in the 10-to-12-pound range) is basically just like a big chicken. Calculate How Much Meet You’ll Need:Factor in 1 1/2 pounds of meat per person. Choose a smaller bird:Smaller birds tend to be more tender; think about...
Once you know the terminal velocity of the streamer, you can calculate altitude simply by multiplying the velocity by the time it took the ejected streamer to fall to earth. For example, a streamer that falls at 15 ft/s for 60 seconds gives us: ...
If you don’t see the size of your roof in the table above, you can calculate your own price range using these averages. Simply multiply the square footage of your roof by $5.78 to find the low end, then separately multiply your square footage by $10.52 to find the high end. For ...
to both corners of your bottom line. Use an online angle converter to calculate angle from pitch. These angles will be at 18.43 degrees. Set your miter saw as close to that as possible, a small variance of less than a degree will not have a measurable effect on part size or roof ...
How do I calculate the standard reduction potential of 2 MnO2(s) + 2 NH4+(aq) + 2 e- -Mn2O3(s) + 2 NH3(g) + H2O(l) ? Do I have to combine multiple reactions? How does ethics influence strategy? Is path analysis a mathematical method to assess causality? Explain in your own ...
% replicate [X] to be the same size as [Z] for plotting: Xos{ijk,:} = repmat([XTopOrdinarySegment,XBottomOrdinarySegment],1,NumberStory); Zos{ijk,:} = [ZTopOrdinarySegment,ZBottomOrdinarySegment]; %% Cooridinate Point Special Segment (ss) % calculate span length of special...
Homework Statement How (or if) I can calculate critical mass with the information I'm given? I have to write a criticality safety evaluation for an...